

Hello! I'm Nakayla, or Kayla, Smith. I'm currently a Service Desk Engineer at Wayfair. I attended Northeastern University as a Computer Engineering major, leaving school after earning 95/131 credits. scholarship - Synergetic Media Learning Lab as an undergraduate researcher, helping with the Computer Vision project

IEEE, National Society of Black Engineers, and Wireless Club. I volunteer for the Center for STEM involvement on campus.

I attended Agua Fria High School in Avondale, Arizona I was heavily involved in the music program, playing baritone saxophone in Jazz Band, bass clarinet in Symphonic Band, and soprano clarinet in marching band. I also briefly played the 5-head tenor drums in Winter Drumline. My senior year, I served the band as the secretary of band council and the clarinet section leader. That spring, I auditioned for the statewide honors band on the bass clarinet and made second chair. I was awarded the director's Philip Sousa award for musical excellence.

You can reach me at hello@nakay.la.