

LED Cube Soldering Project

I made this project to develop my soldering skills. I soldered 64 LEDs together in a cube formation onto a printed circuit board (PCB). I then through-hole soldered headers onto the board for the entire project to be connected to, and powered by, my Arduino Uno. From there, I could upload code through the IDE and make the LEDs do special effects. Links to pictures and code will be updated soon.

Home Kit Projects

With my own Arduino and peripheral components such as RFID chips, SD card reader, touch screen, sound temperature, light, and water sensors, and stepper motors, I assemble various projects and code in C to make them work. A continuously updated folder of the code for the projects I make is here (updated soon).

C++ and MATLAB Data Project

This project involved me intaking a large 20x40 array of data from a .txt file in C++, then sorting every other number into a separate array using nested for loops. The result was 2 20x20 arrays. I output the results to 2 .txt files, then imported the data into MATLAB. From there, I determined the maximum values, minimum values, and average for both arrays and plotted them into a 3 dimensional mesh graph. This entire project can be found here.

Mini Smart Home Project

This project involved incorporating a number of peripheral devices including light and temperature sensors, an LCD, a piezospeaker, a switch, and a servo on a breadboard. If the light sensor detects enough light (for example, if the sun was too bright), it triggered the servo to turn, therefore closing the blind so the sun wont get in your eyes. The temperature was displayed in degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius on the LCD. If the temperture dropped below or raised above a comfortable room temperature of about 68 to 72 degrees F, the blind would be triggered to open or close to adjust the temperature accordingly as the piezospeaker plays a short song. The switch could also be used to manually open the blinds. The device was hooked up to an Arduino Uno and controlled throught the IDE. It was coded in C. You can find the source code for it here. Watch it in action here.

Sumo Battle Robot

This project involved building a robot on a breadboard with an ATMega microcontroller. The breadboard and microcontroller were strapped to an aluminum chassis with 4 wheels, each controlled by a 360 servo and all powered with a battery pack. In addition, there were 3 sensors for the front and floor on each side of the robot. Once the code was uploaded to the mocrocontroller, the robot was self sufficient. The project included wiring the robots, assigning each peripheral to a port on the microcontroller, calibrating the wheels so they turned at the exact same speed, and coding it all on C in the Arduino terminal. Afterwards, the robots were pitted against one another and was written about on the school website here. You can find the code for it here.

Wthr - Hack Princeton Fall 2014

This web app was built in 36 hours at Hack Princeton using Python, a bootstrap site, and the openweathermap API. This project sends you a text message in the event of drastic weather change in your area. It notifies you in case you need to bring a jacket or umbrella, and if the temperature will be different from the previous day by more than 5 degrees. In this project, I had the opportunity to try my hand at design by making the logo, chose the app colors, and helping with bootstrap integration. The devpost can be found here and the Github repository here.

Super TV Guide - YHack Fall 2014

This web app was hacked in 36 hours by a team of 3 at YHack 2014. We utilized the Viacom API made available at the event to suggest shows Viacom has that you might like based on your current favorites. We hosted this on Heroku, and built it with HTML/CSS, Ruby on Rails, and Javascript. This was my first hackathon, and therefore my role was not very large in this, but I gained valuable exposure to Javascript. Devpost here and Github here.

Personal Website

I hand coded this website and host it on Github with Google Analytics integration. I used Particle Ground for the jquery on the index page. All other code is my own, and entirely self taught. The repository for this site can be found here.